
TLC Pediatrics files claims with most insurance carriers. We participate with the vast majority of insurers in our area: private insurance plans, HMO plans, and PPO plans. Examples include but are not limited to Alliance Newtwork, Atena, BSA Network, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, FirsCare, Blue Choice, Cigna, IMS, United, and Untied Health. Please check with our offices AND your insurance company to verify that we do participate.

Many insurances require that you choose a Primary Care Physician (PCP) for your child, and may require that you use a specific lab or radiology facility, or set of referral/specialty physicians when needed. Some insurers require preauthorization for certain services or prescriptions. Please contact your insurance company and find out if you have any such restrictions and let us know. Employers choose different insurance coverage, and we may not know the specifics of your insurance plan. It is your responsibility to assure that your insurance and physician assignments are in order when you come to visit us.